RGB Awesome! McLighting on WeMosD1 WS2812 LEDs Control

My desk area is pretty dark, especially underneath it. I set out to put some lights under my desk, and quickly discovered WS2818 LEDs. Like many tech people, if you ask for the time, we will build you a watch so what I thought would have been a simple project of some LEDs morphed into something much more in home automation. I discovered a great project to start off with in: https://github.

Static Hosting With S3 via CLI

The AWS console is great, but of course can be cumbersome. I always try to figure out how to do things in AWS via CLI, as that eventually will lead to automation and being able to replicate your work in the future more easily. Below I will outline how I created this site using Hugo, S3, and CloudFront Caveat: THE BUCKET NAME MUST BE YOUR DOMAIN NAME 1. Create a bucket s3api create-bucket --bucket computerbryan.

Markdown LaTex Pandoc Resume

I have my resume written in Markdown, with LaTex templates. This is really handy because now I only have one place to edit my resume, and update my website, and have copies in various formats like PDF or WORD. I will be updating this posting with my notes on learning LaTex. Website https://www.latex-project.org/ Packages https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Package_Reference tlmgr - the native TeX Live Manager Standard Document Classes

Minikube on Ubuntu - Could Not Read CA certificate

Attempting to get Minikube running on Ubuntu with Docker installed via Snap, and trying to utilize Docker directly , after performing a “eval $(minikube docker-env)”” for the minikube environment resulted in the following error: hero@hv1:~$ docker ps could not read CA certificate "/home/hero/.minikube/certs/ca.pem": open /home/hero/.minikube/certs/ca.pem: permission denied This was because snap isolates everything in AppArmor profiles for better or worse, see: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/guides/intro/security How to fix: Edit the AppArmor profile.

Esp8266 Thermostat

Aerie - An open source ESP8266/Arduino based thermostat There are many examples of creating a thermostat for ESP8266. I hope this project will be able to utilize the efforts of everyone into one great project using all the best practices available. Source code available at: https://github.com/brylor/aerie Please, create issues if you feel there is something to add, or fork it and send in a PR! :) TODO: MQTT SPIFFS (for locally saving set points, configuration, and worse case scenarios in not being able to contact the MQTT) Refine the hysteresis Fix the WEBUI Notes: